Downingtown Middle School
Mr. Hamelton
Mrs. Olsen
Mr. Sechrist
Health Issues
Sports Physicals
Q. My child requires over-the-counter medication. What do I need to do?
A. Any child who requires over-the-counter medication INCLUDING COUGH DROPS must have the following:
1. All medication must be sent in the original container with the dosing
information on it.
2. A signed note from the parent must contain the name of the medication,
the dose, and the time that the medication is to be given.
3. It is the student’s responsibility to come at the end of the school
day to pick up the remainder of the medication.
Q. My child was prescribed an antibiotic to be taken three times a day.
Does this medication need to come to school?
A. For any medication that is prescribed once, twice, or three times a day
should be given at home unless advised differently by your health care
provider. Antibiotics should be spread throughout the day so that a
constant blood level of the antibiotic is maintained throughout the day.
Q. My child needs to have an over-the-counter medication kept in the
nurse’s office throughout the year. What do I need to send into the nurse?
A. For any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) which will be
kept in the nurse’s office for longer than 30 days must have the following:
1. Medication must be sent in original container.
2. A properly filled out medication form containing the
parent’s/guardian’s signature along with the physician’s signature is required.
3. It is the parent’s, guardian’s, or student’s responsibility to pick up
the medication at the end of the school year. Any medication left in the
nurse’s office after the last day of school will be discarded.
Q. A new medication was just prescribed for my child. Can the school
nurse administer the first dose of this medication?
A. No. The first dose of any medication should always be administered by
the parent at home.
Q. If my child requires medication for a stuffy nose, postnasal drip,
etc., is there medication available in school to help alleviate these
A. No. All cold type medication should be given at home prior to the
student coming to school. Tylenol (APAP) and Maalox/mylanta are given with
parent permission to students per the DASD health procedures. Benadryl is
used for allergic emergencies ONLY.
Q. My child is allergic to insect stings and requires medication. What do
I do?
A. Please pick up the appropriate allergic reaction form from the nurse.
Parent and physician signatures are required. The necessary medication
must be sent from home to assure that your child will have the appropriate
medication available to him/her case of an allergic reaction.
Q. My child takes medication in school. She is going on a field trip.
What should I do?
A. Please designate any problems and/or medication that your child has on
the field trip permission slip. This slip acts as the emergency card while
your child is on the field trip. It is the parent’s/guardian’s
responsibility to send in the appropriate medication with the student in
the original container. No school staff member may administer medication
sent in a plastic bag or not in the original container. The medication
should be given to your child’s teacher on the morning of the field trip.
If it is medication in pill form send in just enough medication for that
day so that the teacher can give the empty bottle back to the student.
Q. My child is complaining of not feeling well, but I would like to send
him to school. Should I?
A. 1. If your child has a fever over 100.0 in the morning (even if it has
come down with tylenol), do not send your child to school.
2. If your child has vomited due to an illness or has diarrhea, please
keep them at home. It is very difficult to concentrate on classroom work
when you are worried about getting to the bathroom in time!
3. The nurse welcomes a phone call from the parent to discuss any
concerns that you may have. It is easier to treat a child who has been
sent to school if the nurse is aware of what occurred in the morning and
any treatment and/or medications given to the child.
Q. Is a physical examination required prior to each sport?
A. Yes. PIAA rules state that a physical examination is required no longer
than 6 weeks prior to the start of the sports season.
Q. Where are the forms available?
A. If your child is just beginning to participate in sports this school
year, an instruction sheet and packet of forms may be picked up in the
office. PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. If your child participated
in a sport within the school year, the previously completed form may be
picked up in the nurse’s office.
Q. Are school sports’ physicals available at school?
A. Yes. There are 2 dates which are scheduled for the sport physicals
prior to each season. Be sure you sign the blue physical examination form
prior to the physical examination. No physical examinations will be done
in school unless the appropriate signature is contained on that paper.
If your child misses these scheduled physicals, it is then the
parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate physical
Quote for 2/10/2005
Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity. (Helen Schucman)
115 Rock Raymond Rd
Downingtown, PA 19335
PH: 610.518.0685 FAX:610.518.0726