Downingtown Middle School
Mr. Hamelton
Mrs. Olsen
Mr. Sechrist
The faculty and staff at Downingtown Middle School strongly encourage all students to become involved in extracurricular activities. Numerous clubs have been created to cater to the diverse needs and interests of our student body.
Arts and Crafts Club (Mrs. Cave) If you enjoy art and like to be creative, then you will want to join the DMS Art Club. Students will work on new projects and new experiences every Thursday from 2:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Crania Mania (Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Lucas) – This club offers opportunities for games of strategy and knowledge as well as participation in various academic competitions. Meetings will be announced on an irregular schedule based on sponsor availability and upcoming events. Membership is open to all students, although participation in some contests will be based on student performance on the fall qualifying test. See Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Lucas for permission forms.
Community Service Club (Ms Lackovic, Mrs. Off, Mrs. Sullivan) The Community Service Club is made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who are interested in performing some type of service for the community. The goal of the club is to help people who need medical, emotional, social, and/or economic assistance. We are involved in a variety of activities that assist our community. The club generally meets on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:45.
Computer Graphics Club (Mrs. Cave) This club is open to all DMS students. It will meet every Thursday(2/21/02 – 5/16/02) from 2:45 – 4 p.m. Using programs such as Word and Photodraw , students will combine text with images to design: logos, letterheads, business cards, greeting cards/invitations, and posters/brochures.
Computer Lab Time (Mrs. I. Brown) Computer Lab Time is a club that is open all year long for students of all grades who need extra computer time to finish projects and homework. Students are welcome to use the computers for school related work only. Participation in the club is on an “as-needed” basis. Students may pick up permission forms in room A268. Computer Lab Time is also available during Homework Help Time on Thursday evenings. Permission forms for Homework Help Time may be obtained from the library.
Ecology Club (Mr. Gittis) The Ecology Club meets an average of three times per month. The focus of this club is to increase environmental awareness and to provide information about the environment for students at each grade level. The club is also active in improving the environmental conditions on the DMS campus. Students will be offered the opportunity to participate in various field trips that are designed to be both educational and fun for members.
Garden Club (Mrs. Jackson) Garden Club meets Mondays after school until 4:00 p.m. through the month of October, and then will begin again in the spring. We meet in Mrs. Nicholson’s room (A209), and then proceed outside to plant and care for the gardens and the courtyard. Members will also help create plans for the water pond in the courtyard. Interested students need a permission form from Mrs. Nicholson.
GLOBE Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (Mrs. Brook) This club is open to all students who are interested in the health of our environment. The club will meet each Tuesday in room A-109 from 2:45 – 4 p.m. Students will learn how to collect data about the atmosphere, the water and the soil. Students will then send their data via the internet to NASA and NOAA scientists. Permission slips may be found in Room A109.
Intramural Sports This after-school sports program is designed for students who wish to participate in a non-competitive sports environment. Floor hockey, indoor soccer, and a variety of other group games are played during these sessions. The program is offered three (3) days a week from 2:50-4:15 during the months of September and October. Mondays or Tuesdays are designated for sixth graders, while Thursdays are set-aside for seventh and eighth grade participants.
Multi-Cultural Club (Mr. Thompson) The Multi-Cultural Club is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. The focus of this club is to present basic lessons that are fundamental to our growth and prosperity as a multi-cultural society. We will emphasize the importance of self-esteem, discipline, dedication, and understanding. Students will design displays, Present information within the school, take field trips, and experience different cultures. Usually, the Multi-Cultural Club meets once every two weeks.
Mural Club (Mrs. Prokop) Club members will paint our hallways with murals that will become a permanent part of DMS. The Mural Club is open to interested seventh and eighth grade students who are serious about art and willing to make an artistic impact on our school. Sixth grade students may join the club during second semester. Recommendations from previous art teachers are part of the selection process. The club will meet two Tuesdays each month from 2:45-4:30.
Musical Theater: Students prepare for and present a major musical theater performance annually in February. Auditions are held in the fall and all students (grades 6,7,8) who are willing to commit to the requirements of participation are included in the company. Click on the hyperlink for more information.
Set Design Club (Mrs. Cave) This club is for students who would like to help paint the scenery for our school play. Meetings will occur several times a week during November, December and January. You must enjoy painting to have a great time in this club. Membership will be limited as space permits. If you are interested in joining, please give your name to your art teacher during the month of October.
Shakespeare Club (Mrs. Lucas) The Shakespeare Club is a performing club that participates in the Chester County Shakespeare Festival held annually at Immaculata College. Each participating school presents a 25-minute rendition of a Shakespearean production. All interested students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are welcome. Auditions for roles will be held in February, with casting taking place by early March. Packets of audition materials and permission will be available prior to the auditions. Practice will begin in mid-March with rehearsals being held between two and four times per week until the day of the performance.
Ski Club (Mrs. Griffin, Ms. Jackson and Mr. McLaughlin) The Ski Club travels to local ski areas during the months of December, January and February for skiing and snowboarding. Outings are usually scheduled for Friday nights and Saturday mornings. One family outing is planned each year.
Yearbook & Photography Club (Mrs. McGladdery) – Motivated 8th grade students who are willing to make a serious yearlong commitment staff this club. As a club member, you are responsible for: developing the contents for the annual yearbook, selecting and organizing yearbook materials, designing and formatting yearbook pages, submitting the finished results to the publisher, and organizing the distribution of the final product to the purchasers. The club meets from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. every Monday & Thursday from October to June in Room A263. As the printing deadlines approach, it may be necessary to have one or more additional meetings on Tuesdays and/or Fridays.
Quote for 2/8/2005
Success doesn’t come to you…you go to it. (Marva Collins)
115 Rock Raymond Rd
Downingtown, PA 19335
PH: 610.518.0685 FAX:610.518.0726